Friday, December 4, 2009

Catching up

We have a busy few months!

We traveled to Seattle for Melody's and Scott's wedding reception. Had a great time until Amelia got sick the last few days!

We cheered the Dawgs on!!

We visited Baxley for Thanksgiving.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Busy Weekend

This was a busy weekend of firsts. Amelia got her 1st haircut (much more traumatic for Mommy than Amelia) and went to her first cornmaze with BFF Kate!!! Enjoy some photos below!!!



Sunday, June 28, 2009

Suwanee Fun

We spent this weekend house hunting in Suwanee. We saw so many beautiful houses. Now, we just have to decide and figure out how we are going to afford everything! The only way to top all the fun is to cool off in the fountains in the Town Center.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Vero Beach, FL

This past weekend we went to Vero Beach. It was our first real family vacation and Amelia's first trip to the beach. We had some family business to take care of, but then it was all beaches and playgrounds!!

Amelia and Daddy at the playground.

She was a bit hesitant about the swings.....

I love this look!

Playing in the sand... she was pretty scared of the water.

My beautiful bronzed baby wanted more sunscreen!!!

Looking down at the beach....

Amelia was ready to go!! Grabbed her bag and headed off to the hotel.

The end.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Catching Up

Over Memorial Day, we went to a Gwinnett Braves game with Aunt Christa. We had a lot of fun!! What a great stadium!!

This weekend, we played in the backyard. Pushed our bubble mower and got in the turtle pool!

Mom captured a short video of Amelia walking....

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Sick Baby

Friday night, Amelia came down with a bad fever and a rash. On top of that, she is cutting not one, not two, but three molars right now. All weekend, she was miserable. Monday, we made it in to see the doctor and learned that she has hand, foot, & mouth disease. UGH!! Thankfully, its common and is already on the mend. But, she can't go to school because its highly contagious to kids. So, I am loving being at home with her. Especially now that she is feeling better. Here is a shot of her eating her 1st Popsicle!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Weekend Fun

We have had a busy weekend!

We attended a birthday party for Miss Julia Baggett on Saturday at Chuck E. Cheese. It was our first time going to Chuck E. Cheese and we had a blast!! Happy Birthday, Julia!!

After that, we went looking at new houses. We ended up in Suwanee and took some time to enjoy their downtown area. Amelia was fascinated by the fountains. She has no fear!!!!

Sunday, Amelia and Eric took me to lunch at one of my favorite places to eat - Mary Mac's! My gift was to have a canvas portrait of Amelia framed. Its just beautiful! Then, we went to the Children's Museum for some late afternoon fun!!

What a great life we have. We are so blessed!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Weekend

We had a great weekend! We kicked it off Friday by having lunch with our good friends Sam and her daughter Cate. We met at Longhorns and the girls had a great time laughing and saying hello and eating good food!!

Saturday, we went to Baxley to visit Grannie Eloise and Uncle Vance. It was a long trip back and forth, but well worth it. On the way down, Amelia had her 1st Happy Meal from McDonald's!!!

Sunday, of course, was church. Amelia got all dressed up in another dress from Aunt Anne in New Mexico.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Palm Sunday

Its been quite a few Sundays since we went to church ... ear infections, runny noses, etc. But, today, we got dressed up for an important message - Palm & Passion Sunday. Amelia was decked out in a new dress from Aunt Anne in New Mexico! Thank you!!

After church....

Sunday, March 22, 2009

1st Birthday Party

We had a great birthday party at Imagine It! Children's Museum on Saturday! We had lots of friends and fun. We appreciate everyone coming out! Everyone was so generous - Amelia got so many great presents!!!

Amelia's very best friend Kate and her mom Kari.

Kim's very good friend Jenni & her daughter Addy.

The only boy from Amelia's daycare class, Ben, with his big sister Sarah & mom Amy.

Friends Jack & Brady!

Kim's friend Niria and her daughter, Emily.

Lots of fun & crafts!