This was a tremendous weekend in Amelia's life!
It started with excitement as she got dressed up to support the Georgia Bulldogs in the first game of the season! She was the only one in her class representin'!! (Baby Ben showed up in purple & yellow, but nothing said LSU on it!)
Friday night, Amelia spent her first full night in the nursery. Up until now, she has been sleeping in a bassinet right next to Mommy. The night was more difficult for Mom than Amelia!!!
Saturday morning, Amelia got her first taste of rice cereal. She was quite puzzled with the new sensations and tastes!!
But then things turned sour on Saturday night. Amelia spiked a fever of 102.9. We headed for Children's Hospital - our first trip to the emergency room. While there, her fever rose to 104!!! We were there until 2 am and we never did figure out what was wrong. Her physical exam was good. They checked her urine and found nothing. Even the ear infection from last week was all gone. They sent us home with Tylenol. Amelia spent the night in Mommy's arms. She didn't want to be anywhere else!
Sunday was a much better day. No more fever and lots of rice cereal!