Sunday, January 10, 2010

Christmas 2009 recap

We had a very interesting and fun Christmas holiday this year. I had great plans of taking more time off to spend with Eric and Amelia. I took the time off, but it wasn't quite used in the way I thought.....

It began on 12/23/09.... the stomach bug. Amelia got it first. It was disgusting!!!! She was miserable the 23rd and 24th. Just miserable. I spent those 48 hours just holding her.

Then, it was Christmas morning and she felt a lot better. A Christmas miracle!!! We turned on the video camera and captured every minute. She loved going under the tree and retrieving all the gifts. She would take them to me or Eric and then assist in the opening! She helped open EVERY gift!! She was so happy.

But then,.... I noticed that Eric was moving slowly and had beads of sweat on his forehead. Yup, the bug had moved to him. He promptly went to bed and we didn't see him until Sunday.

Amelia was much better so we pal'd around. We even visited Aunt Christa and her girls on Christmas Day. Unfortunately, this was the calm before the next storm.

Turns out, when babies have .... tummy issues.... they lose their enzymes in the tummy and it takes awhile to rebuild them. So, if you let them have too much dairy products too soon... well, you end up with a call from the daycare saying your baby is having.... tummy issues. That was Monday. She was sick again until Wednesday. Eric, on the other hand, rebounded.

Enjoy some photos from our holiday!

New & Amazing Amelia Tricks!

She can feed herself with a spoon/fork. Sometimes it works better than others..... Sometimes she loses patience and goes right back to her hands.
She can count. Kinda. Before throwing a ball, she says, "wah, doo, ree!" When walking up and down stairs, she says, "fife, kicks, deben, eight, nine, den."

She can recognize Elmo and Bird (Big Bird) from Sesame Street. She thinks Ernie's name is Bert. Mommy may have been confused and at fault for that!!!

She loves her friends from daycare. She can say all their names and identify their belongings. She even gives them hugs. Ben and Kate are her best buddies!!

Every time she leaves the room, she says "Bye-bye, Mommy." When I strap her into her car seat, she tells me "bye-bye" and then says "Allo!!!!!!" when I get into the driver's seat.

She is loved by all the church daycare workers! They say she is just yummy!

Her favorite foods are "yo-yo" (yogurt), "bok-bok" (chicken), "bool" (bowl of goldfish), mac & cheese and apple sauce. And she can easily tell you she wants "moh."

She calls herself "May-May" since Amelia is too hard. Wonder if that will stick as a nickname. She can identify herself in more recent photos. She says "baby" for all the younger pictures.

She is learning about animals. She knows the "moo" (cow), the pig, chicken, horse (although sometimes she thinks its a cow), the sheep (this one also gets confused with the cow), and the duck. She knows what they say.

She is very good at saying "tank you" and we are working on "peas." She is also pretty good about putting on her coat.

Yesterday during bath time, she learned to kick while laying on her belly. I got all wet, but Swim Lesson 1 is complete!!!

Whenever she sees the UGA "G," she yells "jaw-ja!!"

She loves wearing Mommy's shoes!!

She is a blessing everyday!!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Catching up

We have a busy few months!

We traveled to Seattle for Melody's and Scott's wedding reception. Had a great time until Amelia got sick the last few days!

We cheered the Dawgs on!!

We visited Baxley for Thanksgiving.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Busy Weekend

This was a busy weekend of firsts. Amelia got her 1st haircut (much more traumatic for Mommy than Amelia) and went to her first cornmaze with BFF Kate!!! Enjoy some photos below!!!



Sunday, June 28, 2009

Suwanee Fun

We spent this weekend house hunting in Suwanee. We saw so many beautiful houses. Now, we just have to decide and figure out how we are going to afford everything! The only way to top all the fun is to cool off in the fountains in the Town Center.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Vero Beach, FL

This past weekend we went to Vero Beach. It was our first real family vacation and Amelia's first trip to the beach. We had some family business to take care of, but then it was all beaches and playgrounds!!

Amelia and Daddy at the playground.

She was a bit hesitant about the swings.....

I love this look!

Playing in the sand... she was pretty scared of the water.

My beautiful bronzed baby wanted more sunscreen!!!

Looking down at the beach....

Amelia was ready to go!! Grabbed her bag and headed off to the hotel.

The end.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Catching Up

Over Memorial Day, we went to a Gwinnett Braves game with Aunt Christa. We had a lot of fun!! What a great stadium!!

This weekend, we played in the backyard. Pushed our bubble mower and got in the turtle pool!

Mom captured a short video of Amelia walking....